Sunday, July 3, 2016

3 Week Diet eBook Download

3 week diet ebook download

Download the Entire 3 Week Diet Program Today !

The hard stuff has been figured out for you. Brian Flatt has put together a revolutionary program called The 3 Week Diet system that not only helps you to lose weight but it does so in a way that is simple to follow and stick with. These 4 manuals have been meticulously laid out for your ease of use.

The Program Includes:
  • Instruction Manual
  • Diet Manual
  • Workout Manual
  • Mindset & Motivational Manual

Learn more about the 3 Week Diet

The 3 Week Diet is the product of 7 years of research in the diet and fitness industry. This program is designed to help you burn body fat in your problem areas such as your hips, thighs,belly, and butt. The diet goes into detail of how to help with cellular inflammation which can in turn help you lose weight and burn fat.[1] Here is the thing about Cellular Inflammation, it is about two thirds of the body’s defense resides in your GI Tract. So when you are eating those bad foods that are often touted as being healthy for you actually cause your body’s defenses and metabolism to fail and the inflammation gains the upper hand. This program shows you how to deal with this problem.
Inside you will learn that your body does not treat all calories the same. In fact, there are certain calories that are counterproductive to weight loss. Of course with every bad there is a good and in this case these types of calories actually promote fat-loss. So the key to weight loss is not counting calories but ultimately eliminating the “bad calories” from your diet and substitute them for “good calories”. The 3-Week Diet System uses a strategic system that takes into account how your body processes certain nutrients.

How it works?

With this 3 Week Diet system you will get a uniquely tailored program with a full meal plan and exercise regimen and motivational guide for the next 3 weeks.
The Diet focuses on providing you with only the essential nutrients that your body needs for good health and proper functioning, while eliminating all those nutrients that slow and possibly stop you from burning fat. It does this addressing your body’s hormones and how those hormones affect your ability to burn fat and lose weight. In other words, this Diet provides you with a specifically tailored, step by step blueprint that tells you What to eat, how much to eat, and most importantly when to eat it.

What is Included with The 3-Week Diet?

The 3-Week Diet is broken up into four separate manuals. Each providing you with a quick reference to everything you need. Here is a quick summary of each manual.

Introduction Manual
The Introduction Manual is more than just an introduction to the diet. Instead, it discusses the science behind how we gain and lose weight as well as what needs to be done to attack stubborn body fat.
In addition to this, The Introduction Manual will discuss the specific supplements recommended for this diet and the science behind those supplements and how they can help you lose fat.

Diet Manual

The Diet Manual is where the “rubber meets the road.” Unlike those “one-size-fits-all” diets, The Diet Manual will show you how to calculate your lean body mass vs. fat percentage and will then provide you with a specifically tailored weight loss plan to suit your body type. You’ll know exactly what to eat every day, how much to eat and when to eat it. You won't be guessing—just follow the outline. In addition to this, you'll discover the exact foods you must eat to maximize your body’s fat burning potential and what foods you must avoid at all costs because of their ability to slow down or even stop the fat burning process.

Workout Manual

While The Diet Manual alone is an amazing resource, The Workout Manual can help you to amplify your results. This was specifically designed for those who don’t have time to go to the gym every day—but it also includes a gym workout for those who do. And even if you don’t like to work out, I’ve developed an exercise program that provides “no excuses” because they take just 20-minutes a day, 3-4 days per week.
The simple fact is, exercising for fat burning is not about spending hours in the gym every day. This is because fat loss is dependent on intensity—not time. The key to smashing fat-loss plateaus lies in short and intense, full body exercises that get every muscle in your body metabolically active.

Motivation Manual

Every great success starts with a decision to change your mindset. It’s your mindset and your internal motivation that get you the physical changes you want to see. This manual will give you the techniques to focus on your goals and remain motivated throughout The 3 Week Diet and beyond into your everyday life.
The Mindset & Motivation Manual includes a ton of high-quality and usable mindset and motivational tips, tricks, tools and secrets to not only get the ball rolling, but to ensure you stick with your diet.
Get the 3 Week Diet Program Now !